Galvanized Steel Rainwater Tanks

Galvanized water tanks by Aqualine are built to store the purest water in Texas. If that is what you want, then you’ve come to the right place. Water is such a precious resource, and all across our great state, Texans are realizing the value of collecting, storing and safe-guarding their water supply. Did you know that you can collect 0.6 gallons per 1 square foot of roof per 1 inch of rain? That means a 2,000 square foot roof will capture 1,200 gallons of rainwater from just 1 inch of rain.
Aqualine Water Tanks has installed hundreds of water tanks across Texas. We specialize in the design and installation of the most durable water tank on the market. Manufactured right here in Texas, our tanks are made from high-strength corrugated, hot-dipped G115 galvanized steel, and are lined with our state of the art, Bartlett Liner.
Our water tanks are hand bolted on-site and most can be installed in less than a day. Our two ring tanks require a level pad that consists of compacted base with sand on top to pad the liner, or you can choose to go with a concrete foundation. Any tank above two rings will require a concrete pad. Some of more common uses for steel rainwater tanks are:
• Drinking water
• Irrigation for lawns, gardens, and houseplants
• Hydroponics
• Fire protection
• Breweries, distilleries, and wineries
• Water for livestock and pets
The tanks pictured here were installed by Aqualine Water Tanks for rainwater collection. These both feature our low-profile 10-degree roof, and combined will store 62,156 gallons of rain water.